About us

Aqua Power Spray is a family and veteran owned company located in McDonough, Georgia. Our company is built on the key principles of professionalism, integrity, honor, and knowledge, with a keen focus on the needs and satisfaction of our customer. We specialize in providing high and low power pressure washing, power washing, and soft washing services to both residential and commercial property owners. As a professional pressure washing company, we are equipped with only professional grade equipment that can handle the smallest and biggest jobs. We know that not every surface is created equally and requires a specific cleaning method to protect the surface of your property from short and long term damage. We adapt the water pressure to the surface at hand, helping to protect the surface without compromising on the cleaning. We are a licensed and fully insured company, that takes great pride in treating each customer like family.
We’re happy that you have chosen Aqua Power Spray to handle your pressure washing needs!
- Kevin Fisher
Aqua Power Spray, LLC
The Curb Appeal Specialists